The way that she builds the thread up in the empty space really makes you aware of it. It looks like a jungle gym on a playground that you just want to climb. It's very cool looking and is something I would like to try out with a photograph and needle and thread!
This is another picture of hers I wanted to share... you can see the connection that this couple has and the way she threaded there faces together is like showing a magnetic field that they have going on. A plain photograph can't show how much these two people are drawn to each other, but adding the thread really shows you what's going on, and their love.
The way she threads these photographs makes you feel like your being pulled into them and understand whats going on.
Maria Aparicio lives and works in Chile. In 2008 she recieved a degree in Architect at the University of Chile. She always loved visual arts which is what got her interested in Architect. Then, in 2011 she recieved her Masters in Urban Design at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Since she is a new artist she has only had a few shows but had one last month at the Savage Art Gallery in Tulsa, Oklahaoma. And a show this month in Toronto at The Drake Hotel.
She uses other people's photographs which she mainly finds on Flickr because she doesn't have the time now and is not that good at photography yet to use her own, but someday wishes too. She uses photos that have cerain geometric patterns, that she can see the need for connection.
Her art is very cool and I suggest you all look at more of it!
That is interesting art, with the girl laying down....a lot of work!