Thursday, April 26, 2012

Collection #9

Gallex by Laura Redburn, available as a print, 2012

I loveeeee this peice of art! It is so cool! I love the way the building is very odl looking and looks like it was taken with a old camera, and the different colorful paper rain drops, all over a beautiful pale women with red lipstick. It is so neat!!! The way the raindrops cover her face conceals her in a way.

This artist goes be Cardboard Cities and is currently studing a BA in illustration in Cardiff. She completed a ND in graphic design in 2008.

All of her work is dream like collages, and they are all very interesting and fun to look at, to see more go to her website:

Letter Press

In class Friday we watched the film Proceed and Be Bold. It was about a man named Amos Kennedy who gave up a lot to follow his dream. He used to work for ATT which I didn't even know ATT has been around that long. But he was making good money there but was not happy. So he learned about letterpress and was fascinated by it, and he used it to make bold statements and question people's actions. He was happy then, and still is even though he is living somewhere that can barely be called a house. I admire what he did, because it is something very few people have the courage to do. He risked everything for something he wasent positive was going to work out. I would never be able to do what he did because I like living comfortably too much and want financial security, like most people.

I think that his posters are really neat looking and especially like the ones where he uses different colors and fonts to overlap words, like the poster above. The texture is also cool!

I think that he is a very unique person, who likes his overalls and pink shirts! And that he has the courage to make art his life and make sacrifes for it, he is definitly someone to admire!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Collection #8

I always loved collages, I think they are the coolest thing, and so fun to make! So this week I decided to collect a art collage! The artist's name is Francisca Pageo, asd she is from Spain.

I like how her collages look like she used really old magazines or photgraphs to cut out the subjects. Like this face looks like it could have been off a beauty magazine from the 60s! And the gray colored paper reminds me of an elephant. The teal colored papers look like drips, And the top looks like an old camera? Collages are cool because you can see different things in them and everyone has a different interpratation. Kind of like when you look at clouds and everyone sees something different!

This collage is Untitled. Collage 24x32cm. done in March 2012

Albright Knox Gallery

I loved going to the Albright Knox museum, it was only my second time there, the first was 4th grade. It was cool to see really famous and expensive art up close. We looked at a Picaso that didnt seem like it would be a Picasso. There was two girls in it, one looked like she was a servant but painted more Eygptian style and the other was a front view of a girl that was like Greek/Roman style. We also looked at a huge painting that people have argued that a toddler could do but you can tell it was thought out a little. The painting took a long time and some of the paint splatters were big and some were small, the colors went well together. And the orange paint really made the peice work.We also saw some miminalist paintings like the ones Herb and Dorothy would collect, one was orange plexiglass hooked to the wall that made the wall glow orange, and one was two rectangular blocks. We saw that you don't actually have to create everything to be an artist, if it's your idea then you are the artist. The person who made the orange plexiglass art didn't actually make it and probubly didnt even hang it but it was still his idea and plan. We also saw a big mural of just pencil lines by the staircase. The aritst died before it was produced but it was still his concept which makes him the artist. Another big glowing neon sticks sculpture that was upstairs is another example of this. He didn't make the glowing sticks but it was still his plan. Another thing that I learned was great art isent always planned out exactly, things can happen unexpectedly and it can come out greater than planned. We looked at a huge oil painting where the artist covered it with newspaper and the print accidently got printed on to it, it looked very cool but was not planned. He even named it with something to do with the print. Another thing we looked at when we were there was a room with projecters and red colors going across a screen with glass throwing in the background. It was kinda spooky like a haunted house. And I felt bored after being inside. It did nothing for me, just thought it was weird. We also looked at some photographs that went around the room where the aritist was everysingle person and acted out a play. It was really neat!! I definitly would go back to the ALbright Knox it was fun and exciting!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Collection #7

The peice of art I decided to collect this week is titles Violet Berry and done by Maria Aoaricio. She works with photographers and then uses a needle and thread to add visual element to the photos, it's reallly neat. This would be cool to see in real life since it is multimedia art.

The way that she builds the thread up in the empty space really makes you aware of it. It looks like a jungle gym on a playground that you just want to climb. It's very cool looking and is something I would like to try out with a photograph and needle and thread!

This is another picture of hers I wanted to share... you can see the connection that this couple has and the way she threaded there faces together is like showing a magnetic field that they have going on. A plain photograph can't show how much these two people are drawn to each other, but adding the thread really shows you what's going on, and their love.

The way she threads these photographs makes you feel like your being pulled into them and understand whats going on.

Maria Aparicio lives and works in Chile. In 2008 she recieved a degree in Architect at the University of Chile. She always loved visual arts which is what got her interested in Architect. Then, in 2011 she recieved her Masters in Urban Design at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Since she is a new artist she has only had a few shows but had one last month at the Savage Art Gallery in Tulsa, Oklahaoma. And a show this month in Toronto at The Drake Hotel.

She uses other people's photographs which she mainly finds on Flickr because she doesn't have the time now and is not that good at photography yet to use her own, but someday wishes too. She uses photos that have cerain geometric patterns, that she can see the need for connection.

Her art is very cool and I suggest you all look at more of it!

Monday, April 9, 2012

CEPA/Hallwalls Galleries

Last time we had class we went to both CEPA and Hallwalls which are both photography based galleries. CEPA was started by Buff. State students and Hallwalls was started by UB students and they both were opened about 40 years ago. CEPA is in a really cool building called Market Arcade off Main St. When we were there we had the chance to see what it's like for the gallery to figure out where they want to hang the art, and it was all still on the ground. They were doing an auction in a few weeks and still waiting for some more art to come in before they hung it up. There was a guy telling us all about CEPA and its history, and how a lot of artists became famous because of CEPA. This gallery has opened a lot of doors for young college aged students. And we found out that its only $35 to become a member and they have a member's show where they take a piece of art from every single member and display it, which could help your career out. I was hoping to get more of a chance to see the artwork downstairs and in the other rooms but we kind of just got the history about CEPA instead of actually seeing what was there now. The only artist we really got to look at was Milton Rogovin at 100 Photographs by Aaron Ingrao, which was like a timeline of photographs describing Milton's life, about how he was a doctor, but then he became a communist so they wouldn't let him be a doctor anymore so he became an artist.

After CEPA we went to Hallwalls which is located in a church on Delaware. We looked at a show called Our Time by Sarah Baker. She is an independant woman who knows how to get what she wants and has a weird idea of art, but it is still art. The thing I liked most was the two walls with the big blown up faces, I don't know if that was something she did but it looked really cool. She made a soap opera with Buffalo actors and actresses that was playing when we were there, I on;y saw a couple minutes of it but it looked like a real soap opera. She also had a weird fasination with Airport Plaza Jewelers. There was a room dedicated to it where there was a huge photo with her and the owner with their signatures. Also she had an old style TV in the middle of the room that had the commercial she did with them and an interview with her as the guest star on the Kiosk Presents. I just thought that whole show was weird!! It just seemed tacky..