On Friday we went to the Buffalo Arts Studio. I've only been there once before, when I was in Art Appreciation last year. I like this gallery and really want to take a class there, maybe this summer. When we were there we looked at three artists; Megan Greene, Esther Neisen, and Balint Zsako. They all had a common theme of things representing humans mixed with nature.
The first artist we saw was Esther Neisen, an artist from Buffalo. Her pieces all had insects in them, which represented her family members. She worked with multimedia to make a family tree sort of thing. At the top of most of her works there was big circles that either had a red circle, for the people who passed away, or insects which I interperated as important family members. Then branching off she had white circles with I couldn't tell if it was sillhoutes of countries or insects, or both. The art that was done like this I felt was very simple looking but had a lot of meaning for her put into it. It isen't something that I would buy to hang up on my walls but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I thought that it was fun to learn what the meaning behind it was. And once I understood them better I appreciated it more. She also had two light boxes with insects that if you looked closely were made of negatives of family photos and educational material which were neat too get close to and really look at that tiny pictures!
The next artist we looked at was Megan Greene, who is from Buffalo but now lives in Chicago. I thought that her work was absolutley beautiful! It is something that I would want to hang in my house. She took pictures of birds from the book "Birds of America" with paintings by John James Audubon and altered them too look very appealing. She turned the pictures upside down or sideways. I brought my boyfriend, Shawn, with me and he didn't like how all the pictures were sideways or up side down. But I think that she wanted them that way because that's the way that they looked the prettiest, and they might not be as interesting if they were all the right way. You could tell by looking at each picture that she had spend a lot of time on each one. They all had beautiful shapes, girly things like jewels, and dolls, and arms and colors that all blended together very nicely. I really enjoyed this artist for the realistic but abstract-edness!
The last artist we looked at was Balint Zsako, who was born in Hungary but now lives in Brooklyn. When I first walked into his exhibit area I loved the colorfulness of all the pictures. They were very fun to look at but something younger kids shouldn't look at! His pictures were very illustarative looking because of the colors and amount of detail. When I saw the people in the pictures they looked to me like they were all filled with colors to represent something in nature. Like this painting below reminds me of a sunset!
His paintings represent guilt and pleasure which I think he did a good job at. When you first look at the paintings your first impression is there colorful, child like and fun. But once you actually realize what is going on you realize it's not just that but there is a dark side of the art too.
I looked up this artist and he also has a very different style for some of his work. It has the same idea behind it but it is not bright colors or illustrative looking. I would say some of his other works look like renaissance with a twist. Then he also has these paintings of "heads" that are faces with weird expressions or just filled with color. He sculpts too!!
After looking at the Art Show I enjoyed walking around looking through the artist's studios too. One of them really caught my eye. Rosemarie Bauer Sroka was working on a series called water that was awesome! It was very relaxing to look at I wanted to buy it, paint my room blue and then hang it up!
I really enjoyed the Buffalo Arts Studio, and definitley will go back there for there next show! I think Esther Neisen, Megan Greene, and Balint Zsako all deserved to have there works hanging up there!